How to Install Oh My Zsh on Linux?

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If you're looking to supercharge your terminal experience and add a touch of elegance to your command-line interactions, you're in the right place. In this blog post, we'll be diving into the wonderful world of Oh My Zsh, a powerful and community-driven framework for managing Zsh (Z Shell) configurations.

If you don't already have Zsh shell installed, please install it first and continue with the tutorial.

What is Oh My Zsh?

Oh My Zsh is an open-source, community-driven framework for managing Zsh (Z Shell) configurations. Zsh is a powerful and feature-rich shell that can be used as an alternative to the more common Bash shell. Oh My Zsh simplifies the process of configuring and customizing Zsh by providing a collection of themes, plugins, and helper functions.

Some key features of Oh My Zsh include:

  1. Themes: Oh My Zsh comes with a variety of pre-configured themes that change the appearance of your terminal prompt. Users can easily switch between themes or customize them according to their preferences.
  2. Plugins: Oh My Zsh supports a wide range of plugins that enhance the functionality of the shell. These plugins can include features such as syntax highlighting, autosuggestions, version control integration, and much more.
  3. Auto-completion: Zsh has powerful auto-completion features, and Oh My Zsh takes advantage of this by providing enhanced auto-completion for commands and arguments, making it easier and faster to navigate the command line.
  4. Community contributions: Since Oh My Zsh is open-source and community-driven, users can contribute their own themes, plugins, and improvements to the project. This collaborative effort has led to a rich ecosystem of customization options.

Getting Started

1. Install Oh My Zsh

Now, let's bring in the magic. Open your terminal and run the following command:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

or, you can install with wget

sh -c "$(wget -O -)"

This command will download and execute the Oh My Zsh installer script.

2. Set Zsh as Default Shell

Make Zsh your default shell by running:

chsh -s $(which zsh)

Restart your terminal, and you should now be in the Oh My Zsh environment.

Customizing Your Oh My Zsh Setup

1. Choosing a Theme

Oh My Zsh comes with a variety of themes. Open your ~/.zshrc file in a text editor and look for the ZSH_THEME variable. Change it to your desired theme. Popular choices include "agnoster," "robbyrussell," and "powerlevel10k."


Checkout the screenshots of available themes from their GitHub page

2. Adding Plugins

Enhance your workflow with Oh My Zsh plugins. Open the ~/.zshrc file again and locate the plugins section. Add or remove plugins based on your preferences. Some useful ones include git, autojump, and zsh-syntax-highlighting.

plugins=(git autojump zsh-syntax-highlighting)

3. Powerlevel10k Configuration (Optional)

If you've chosen the Powerlevel10k theme, you can further customize it by running:

p10k configure

Follow the prompts to tailor the theme to your liking.

Embrace the Zsh Awesomeness

Restart your terminal once more, and voilà! You're now immersed in the world of Oh My Zsh on Linux Mint. Enjoy the improved navigation, auto-completion, and eye-catching themes. Customize it to match your style and watch your terminal become a productivity haven.

With Oh My Zsh, your Linux Mint terminal isn't just a command-line interface; it's a dynamic and personalized workspace. Happy coding!