Free Online XML Minifier and Beautifier Tool

XML Minifier and Beautifier is a free online tool to compress your XML code by removing whitespaces and format the minified code to indented version.

Sample Snippets
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About XML Minifier and Beautifier

XML stands for "eXtensible Markup Language." It is a widely used markup language designed to store and transport data in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.

XML is a flexible and self-descriptive language, making it suitable for representing structured data and enabling the exchange of information between different systems and platforms.

Sample XML Snippets


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <note> <to>Tove</to> <from>Jani</from> <heading>Reminder</heading> <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body> </note>

In this example, the XML represents information about a book with elements for "title," "author," and "year," and the "lang" attribute provides additional information about the language of the title.

How to Minify XML?

  • Paste your normal XML code with whitespaces and indents in the textbox above.
  • Click on Minify button below the textbox.
  • Your XML code will be minified and you can copy the minified code from the result textbox.
  • Click on Reset button or Reload the page to reset the form and minify again.

How to Beautify XML?

  • Paste your minified XML code in the textbox above.
  • Click on Beautify button below the textbox.
  • Your code will be formatted, or, in other words, beautified with indents and whitespaces, and you can copy the formatted code from the result textbox.
  • Click on Reset button or Reload the page to reset the form and beautify again.