Free Online Base64 Encoding and Decoding Tool

Use this tool to base64 encode and decode a text. Base64 encoding is a binary-to-text encoding scheme that is commonly used to represent binary data as ASCII text.

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About Base64 Encoder / Decoder

Base64 is a binary-to-text encoding scheme that is commonly used to represent binary data in a text format. It's used to encode binary data (such as images, audio, video, etc.) into a plain text string that consists of a limited set of characters (usually consisting of 64 different characters, hence the name "Base64").

The Base64 encoding process involves taking a sequence of binary data and converting it into a string of characters from a predefined set. This makes it easier to handle and transmit binary data through systems that might not be able to handle raw binary data well (e.g., when sending data over email or including binary data in URLs).

A Base64-encoded string is composed of characters from the following set:


Each character in the encoded string represents a specific 6-bit value in the original binary data. These 6-bit values are concatenated and represented as characters to form the Base64-encoded string.

For example, the string "Hello, World!" in its Base64 representation would be "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==". If you decode this Base64 string back to binary, you would get the original "Hello, World!" data.

There are various online tools and programming libraries available for Base64 encoding and decoding. These tools allow you to encode binary data into Base64 or decode Base64-encoded strings back into binary. They are often used in web development, data transmission, and various other applications.

Keep in mind that Base64 encoding increases the size of the data by about 33% due to the way it represents binary data in text format. Therefore, it's not recommended for cases where data size is a significant concern, but it's still a widely used method for handling binary data in certain contexts.