Coding Resources and Free Online Tools

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HTML Dropdown - Country List

HTML code snippets providing lists of years, months, and dates in a dropdown menu aka select box format. Easil...


How to Use Quillbot for Blogging? - ChatGPT Alternative

ChatGPT goes out of service too often? Need an alternative? Learn how to use QuillBot's innovative features an...


How to Sync Google Drive with File Manager in Ubuntu / PopOs?

Learn how to sync and access your Google Drive with the file manager in Ubuntu or PopOS without using any addi...


CVShare.js: Minimal Javascript Social Share Plugin

Easily add social share buttons to your website or blog with CV Share, a lightweight JavaScript plugin. Choose...


HTML Dropdown - Phone Codes

Collection of HTML code snippets providing lists of country names with phone codes in a convenient HTML dropdo...


How to Install Oh My Zsh on Linux?

A step-by step guide to disable Taboola News or any other unwanted apps from Samsung phones. Some pre-installe...


How to Use ChatGPT for blogging?

With the increasing popularity of ChatGPT, everyone is tempted to use it to make money online. One such method...


HTML Dropdown - Year, Month, Date

Collection of HTML code snippets providing lists of country names and country codes in a convenient HTML dropd...


Add / Remove HTML Input Fields Dynamically in Vanilla JS

Creating dynamic input boxes in HTML using plain JavaScript, HTML and CSS This can be helpful in cases where y...


Integrate Invisible reCAPTCHA v3 with HTML and PHP

Step by step tutorial with sample code on how to integrate Google invisible reCAPTCHA v3 to your HTML forms an...